Welcome to the College Student Martha Stewart Wannabe blog. My name is Spencer and I will be writing this blog with my roommate Sierra, who is currently sewing me a tiny flannel donkey. Basically, we are college students who want to be Martha Stewart, and we will write about our journey to becoming amazing homemakers here.

Given the general slobbiness of college students, you are definitely filling an important niche. And given that Sierra's cousin, when he was in college, squashed a peanut butter sandwich on the wall, put a frame around it, and called it art, you are definitely working against familial type.
But while baking award-winning bread is important, and one can never have too many flannel-donkey fashion accents, there are other important aspects of Martha Stewart you need to develop over time.
While Martha is great at helping you explore and identify your own particular style, I don't know that anybody has explored the typical college situation where two or three room mates, with very different styles, some of which are still evolving, need to reach some accommodation. Maybe you should explore the common space, transition zone, personal space landscape in a shared apartment.
While Martha Stewart is great at coming up with functional products for storing and organizing clothes and accessories, I don't know that anybody has explored the typical college situation of what you do with your stuff in the summer. Maybe you should explore the aesthetics and mechanics of decorating a storage locker.
And finally, while Martha Stewart is great at building an empire over the broken bodies of her friends and competitors, her real gift may be in giving the lie to F. Scott Fitzgerald's saying, "There are no second acts in America."
While I know you are still in college, it is never too early to start developing a fatal flaw, to start preparing for that special occasion when you will compromise your principles and the trust people have put in you for money, to go through the fires of a very public humiliation (and what should one wear to a Perp Walk?), and to come out the other side redeemed and reinvented? I know, as college students, that you are just trying to invent yourselves for the first time, but that's precisely why your experience resonates so well with Martha's life story. If you can successfully do it once, you can do it over and over.
But all of that is for the future of what I am sure will be a very popular Blog. For now keep up the good work of baking award winning bread and sewing four-footed flannel fashion accents.
I would like to add to the parental comment to say that we're all proud of you down on the farm. In addition to the previous suggestions, may I suggest stain removal tips be added to your blog? Not to stereotype college students by any means, many would no doubt find this information useful-especially those who want to walk away with their rent deposit at the end of the year. I would imagine that "combination stains" would be the most challenging...
Looking forward to your next posting. Momma
I am so proud of you, Spencer, for pursuing this dream. I have to say though- I think I should take a little of the credit for putting the idea in your head. Back in college, I brought my roomates home with me for a day during Christmas break. We had a "Martha Stewart afternoon." This consisted of doing crafts all day. I remember that we made paper lanterns, but I can't remember what other crafts we did. Anyway, Spencer was really excited about it, and he joined us for the day- he made a really amazing paper lantern. We were very happy that he wanted to do crafts with us, but my roomates found it a bit unusual that a 13 year old boy was so excited by our "Martha Stewart afternoon"!!
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