Saturday, November 04, 2006

NYT Article about Joy of Cooking

Here is an article from Wednesday's New York Times about the Joy of Cooking. Sierra and I have the 1975 edition of the Joy of Cooking and bake from it often. We refer to it as "Irma," after the original author, Irma Rombauer. We'll say things like, "These cookies are from Irma." There's a new edition of the Joy of Cooking coming out soon, and this article discusses the various editions over the years. If you don't know why Irma first started writing the Joy of Cooking (hint: it's shocking and scandalous, sort of) or about the controversies over the 1997 edition, you need to read this article. Like the author, Kim Severson, we will be sticking with our 1975 edition, mostly because we're college students and don't have much money, but also because it meets our needs.

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