Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Spencer's Claim to Fame

Let's take a look at the June 1988 Cosmopolitan Magazine. Here's the cover:

That article on the right, "Attention Feminists! Why Some Smart Women Are Getting Off the Fast Track and Going Home" sure looks good. Let's flip to that page.

Who's that handsome child in the yellow jacket?

Oh wow! It's me at one and a half years old, next to my mom and sister.

(In case you're wondering, the caption says "Sharing a library job is Valerie's solution.")

Fierce! I bet even the world's first supermodel, Janice Dickinson, didn't have a photoshoot in Cosmo before the age of two.

P.S. The editor for this issue was the inimitable Helen Gurley Brown, in case you were wondering about that, too.

1 comment:

Sierra said...

damn, that's fierce. Even Tyra wouldn't win a walk-off with you! (or a weave-off, for that matter...)