Monday, December 11, 2006

Invasion of the Cultured Youth

Due to my flying home for the holidays, Spencer and I have the opportunity to gain valuable parental insight into baking, decorating, and any other pearls of wisdom that they care to dish out. For me, it has already started: the age-old mother/daughter debate over traditional braces, versus the newer, flashier 'grills' that you see on the hip-and-with-it youth of today. My mother firmly believes that they are the same - that grills are simply a more ostentatious form of the celebrated staple of the dental industry. I however, believe the contrary. Braces are called in when real dental reworking is required; grills, however, have no mechanical use whatsoever, and are simply installed to look phat.
The tiebraker? Spencer, always ready to dispense pop culture wisdom when called upon, agrees with my version: grills are simply cosmetic, and work more like a retainer, rather than being bolted onto the teeth themselves. To demonstrate the difference, I have included the Wikipedia links to grills and braces. Enjoy!

And as a further tiebreaker, one must always think: "What would Martha Wear?" Despite the prison time I still think she'd opt for braces, though she could probably do some pretty creative grill detailing with miniature snowmen or christmas trees...

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